Thursday, July 20, 2023

Sentence Master Introduction Videos

Sentence Master Introduction Videos

Sentence Master One Word Card English Language Exercises

Sentence Master Multi-Word Card English Language Exercises

Sentence Master English Language Sentence Formation Challenge Exercises

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Introduction to Sentence Structure

The two fundamental parts of every English sentence are the subject and the predicate. A simple sentence can also be described as a group of words expressing a complete thought. Subjects can be described as the component that performs the action described by the Predicate.

Subject + predicate = sentence

A simple sentence or independent clause must have a verb. A verb shows action or state of being. The subject tells who or what about the verb.

Subject + verb = sentence

Sentence Structure Vocabulary

The sentence format consists of a subject and a predicate.

The subject names the topic and the predicate tells about the subject.

A sentence with one subject and one predicate is called a simple sentence.

The receiver of actions is called the object.

A group of words used as a single value without subject or predicate is called a phrase.

clause is a group of words with a subject and predicate.

Principal or independent clauses can form sentences.

compound sentence contains two or more principal clauses.

A clause which cannot form a sentence is called a dependant clause.

complex sentence contains a principal clause and one or more dependant or subordinate clauses.

compound-complex sentence contains two principal clauses and one or more subordinate clauses.


Links to Sentencemaster grammar lessons, exercises, previous posts and social media in the right side bar.

Thursday, November 17, 2022

Using Sentence Master Word Cards to Learn English

          English language Article 1a Exercises


There are only three articles used in the English language: "a, an & the".

There are two types of articles: indefinite 'a' & 'an' and definite 'the'.

For these exercises we are not including: Partitive, Negative or Zero articles.


The fill-in-the-blanks grammar exercises also improve vocabulary comprehension.

Select the correct article from the Articles card to complete the sentence.

1. ___ Articles Card 1 contains three English articles.

2. ___ children knew ___ fastest way home.

3. English grammar has rules and ___ set of exemptions.

4. __ English sentence contains ___ idea or ___ complete thought.

5. ___ indefinite article indicates that its noun is not yet __ particular one. 

Check your answers with the exercise answers on video:

Links to Sentencemaster grammar lessons, exercises, previous posts and social media in the right side bar.