How to Write English Sentences using Nouns

A noun is a part of speech used to name a person, animal, place, thing, or abstract concept.

A noun is a member of a syntactic class that includes words which refer to people, places, things, ideas, or concepts. Nouns may act as any of the following: subjects of the verb, direct or indirect objects of the verb.

In general the following are the types of nouns.

Proper nouns are capitalised and include: name of a specific person, place, or thing, days of the week, months of the year, historical documents, institutions, organisations, religions, holy texts and religious followers.

A common noun refers in general to a person, place, or thing.

A concrete noun names everything that you can perceive through the physical senses of touch, sight, taste, hearing, or smell.

An abstract noun names anything that you can not perceive through your five physical senses. Abstract nouns name or refer to non-concrete entities, ideas or concepts. Abstract nouns: love, optimism, truth, freedom, belief and hope.

A countable noun or count noun names anything or anyone that you can count and is a noun with both a singular and a plural form.

A non-countable noun or mass noun refers to something that you could or would not usually count. A non-count noun refers to an indivisible whole. They only have singular forms.

A collective noun names a group of things, animals or persons. It takes a singular verb when you want to refer to a collective noun as one whole unit and it takes a plural verb when you want to refer to the members which make up the collective.

A possessive noun indicates ownership or possession.

How to Write an English Sentence with Nouns Examples

A noun can function in a sentence as a subject, a direct object, an indirect object, a subject complement, an object complement, an appositive, an adjective or an adverb.

The teacher gave the man a present.
(noun is subject, direct object, and indirect object)

A subject complement is a complement that is used to complete a description of the subject or subject of a clause. A subject complement follows a linking verb; it is normally an adjective or a noun that renames or defines the subject in some way.

The teacher is pleased.

An appositive is a noun or pronoun usually with modifiers that is set beside another noun or pronoun to explain or identify it.

My son, the teacher, will be visiting us.
(noun is subject, appositive)

An object complement is an noun, pronoun, or adjective which follows a direct object and renames it or tells what the direct object has become. It is most often used with verbs of creating or nominating such as make, name, elect, paint or call.

We started to call our teacher, coach.
(pronoun is subject, noun is object and object complement)

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