Answers for the Sentence Master Word Card Exercises

English Grammar Adjective Writing Exercise Answers

1. (happy) 2. (beautiful) (sleepy) 3. (young) (foreign) 4. (difficult) 5. (International) (powerful) 6. (able) (main) 7. (Successful) (rich) 8. (popular) 9. (Real) (good) 10. (Professional) (various) (outstanding). 11. (crazy) (funny) (whole)12. (likely) (bloody) 13. (following) 14. (great) 15. (successful) (wide) 16. (tasteless) (dull) 17. (graceful) (solid) 18. (beautiful) (colorful) (happy) 19. (modern) 20. (famous) (strong) (fresh)

English Grammar Adverb Writing Exercise Answers

1. (never) (here) 2. (accidentaly) 3. (often) (really) 4. (monthly) 5. (Fortunately) (no) 6. (very) (therefore) 7. (About) (enough) 8. (down) (clearly) 9. (How) (much) 10. (doubtfully). 11. (certainly) 12. (afterwards) 13. (rather) 14. (simply) 15. (annually) 16. (far) (away) 17. (eventually) (reluctantly) 18. (unexpectedly) (above) 19. (loudly) 20. (instead)

English Grammar Article Writing Exercise Answers

1. (The) 2. (The) (the) 3. (a) 4. (An) (an) (a) 5. (An) (a) 6. (a) (a) (a) 7. (the) (a) 8. (the) (a) 9. (the) (a) 10. (The) (the) 11. (a) (the) 12. (a) 13. (The) (a) 14. (the) 15. (the) (an) 16. (a) (the) 17. (the) 18. (the) 19. (a) 20. (a)

English Grammar Conjunction Writing Exercise Answers

1. (while) 2. (until) 3. (Although) 4. (before) 5. (or) 6. (Once) (until) 7. (Whereas) 8. (but) 9. unless) 10. (though) 11. (nor) 12. (as) 13. (since) 14. (once) 15. (whether) 16. (or) 17. (unless) 18. (that) (before) 19. (although) (yet) 20. (as)

English Grammar Noun Writing Exercise Answers

1. (country) 2. (language) (language) 3. (energy) (power) 4. (land) (world) 5. (oil) 6. (tax) (tax) 7. (relationship) 8. (history) (building) 9. (Death) 10. (party) (window) 11. (line) 12. (sense) 13. (product) (demand) 14. (peformance) 15. (competition) 16. (matter) 17. (condition) (refund) 18. (case) 19. (ability) 20. (problem) (way)

English Grammar Preposition Writing Exercise Answers

1. (about) 2. (at) (next) (to) 3. (beyond) 4. (over) (in) 5. (into) 6. (off) 7. (to) (with) 8. (across) 9. (by) 10. (for) (in) 11. (against) 12. (in) 13. (to) (via) 14. (onto) 15. (along) (with) 16. (to) (below) 17. (into) (of) (in) 18. (through) 19. (during) 20. (in) (of) (to)

English Grammar Pronoun Writing Exercise Answers

1. (I) (something) 2. (your) 3. (one) (mine) 4. (myself) 5. (nothing) 6. (Both) (my) 7. (Few) 8. (Everything) (he) 9. (ours) 10. (Everyone) 11. (he) (who) 12. (nothing) 13. (me) (neither) 14. (any) 15. (some) (mine) 16. (none) 17. (which) (it) 18. (which) (one) (one) 19. (they) (they) 20. (all) (other)

English Grammar Verb Writing Exercise Answers

1. (let) (know) (go) 2. (was) (killed) 3. (tried) (carry) 4. (cuts) 5. (expect) (come) (play) 6. (want) (watch) 7. (understand) (say) 8. (reduced) (pay) 9. (ran) 10. (Did) (prepare) 11. (assumed) 12. (describe) 13. (fell) 14. (hold) 15. (ran) 
16. (cover) 17. (designed) (agree) 18. (tried) (reach) 19. (managed) 20. (wonder)

Sentence Master English Language Answersfor 2, 3 and 4 Word Card Parts-of-Speech Exercises English Grammar Adjective - Noun Writing Exercise Answers

1. (average) (life) 2. (common) (knowledge) 3. (sticky) (day) 4. (cruel) (decision)
5. (bitter) (experience) 6. (current) (affairs) 7. (personal) (matter) 8. (military) (service) 9. (clear) (memory) 10. (useful) (suggestion) 11. (labour) (force) 12. (wrong) (direction) 13. (real) (value) 14. (public) (interest) 15. (natural) (oil) 16. (whole) (day) 17. (financial) (support) 18. (previous) (address) 19. (smoggy) (day) 20. (happy) (eye)

English Grammar Adverb Verb Writing Exercise Answers

1. (explains) (simply) 2. (stopped) (suddenly) 3. (was) (fatally) 4. (was) (particularly) 5. (exactly) (have) (been) 6. (carry) (roughly) 7. (had) (quickly) (was) 8. (enjoyed) (together) 9. (speak), (very), (indeed) 10. (quite), (take) 11. (sharply) (increased) 12. (supposed) (punctually) 13. (got) (rarely) 14. (allowed) (even) 15. (started) (thoughtfully) 16. (thanked) (warmly) 17. (had) (unexpectedly) 18. (used) (regularly) 19. (safely) (arrived) 20. (act) (cheerfully)

English Grammar Adverb Verb Noun Writing Exercise Answers

1. (fast) (time) (passes) 2. (must) (take) (circumstance) (seriously) 3. (have) (seldom) (moment) 4. (can) (see) (department) (clearly) 5. (simply) (can) (believe) (news) 6. (answer) (question) (certainly) 7. (was) (way) (home) 8. (get) (job) (done) (anyway) 9. (like) (history) (better) 10. (had) (walk) (far) (get) (station) 11. (reduced) (cost) (sucessfully) 12. (student) (usually) (provided) 
13. (badly) (affected) (system) 14. (make) (access) (smoothly) 15. (girl) (follow) (obediently) 16. (obviously) (considered) (president) 17. (called) (morning) (sleepily) 18. (gave) (carelessly) (mistake)  19. (perfectly) (remembered) (detail) 20. (brand) (repeatedly) (had)

3 Card Adjective Noun Verb Writing Exercise Answers

1. (gave), (whole), (time) 2. (hotel), (had), (available), (room) 3. (was), (brave), (go), (house), (baby) 4. (forget), (small), (mistake) 5. (left), (report), (home), (particular) 6. (certain), (way), (take) 7. (party), (week), (will), (be), (single) 8. (find), (impossible), (party) 9. (have), (other), (questions) 10. (made), (mistake), (set), (right) 11. (unusual) (body) (was) 12. (only) (left) (deadline) 13. (result) (was) (outstanding) 14. (had) (final) (decision) 15. (small/large) (population) (remain) 16. (build or make?) (wrong) (image) 17. (skill) (should) (nesesary) 18. (see) (common) (point) 19. (good) (relationship) (produce) 20. (recent) (research) (proved)

3 card Adjective Noun Adverb Verb Writing Exercise Answers

1. (change), (rotten), (behavior), (perfectly) 2. (road), (too), (muddy), (go), (car) 3. (experiences), (teach), (bitter), (life), (cruelly) 4. (down), (got), (bloody), (way) 5. (got), (helpful), (advice), (exactly) 6. (eyes), (began), (open), (tenderly)
7. (cheerful), (attitude), (improve), (relationship), (smoothly) 8. (bring), (end), (often), (stormy), (almost), (years) 9. (built), (steady), (relationship), (successfully) 10. (greasy), (usually), (have), (oil) 11. (success) (previous) (nearly) (determined) 12. (beautiful) (building) (reflect) (brightly) 13. (union) (strong) (equally) (treated) 14. (finally) (old) (book) (published) 15. (watch) (step) (very) (slippery) 16. (main) (duty) (correctly) (operate) 17. (accidentaly) (became) (aware) (age) 18. (announced) (international) (market) (soon) 
19. (elegant) (particularly) (drew) (attention) 20. (recently) (average) (income) (been)

Celebrity Sentence Writing Exercise Answers

1. (Lindsay Lohan) (was) (in) 2. (Brad Pitt) (recently) (together) 3. (Julia Robarts) (became) (accept) 4. (Award) (Nicole Kidman) (person) 5. (Britney Spears) (grew) (seem) 6. (Angelina Jolie) (involved) (was) (Brad Pitt) 7. (Tom Hanks) (in) (as) 8. (know) (Jonny Depp) (famous) 9. (Tom Cruise) (appeared) (together) 
10.(Leonardo Decaprio) (bought) (create) 11. (to) (Daniel Radcliffe) (young) 12. (Michael Jackson) (unexpectedly) (of) 13. (Lady Gaga) (identified) (major) 14. (Maddona) (field) (on) 15. (of) (Justin Timber Lake) (broke) (up) 16. (Beyonce) (private) (try) 17. (announced) (for) (president) (press) 18. (wide) (relationship) (Bill Clinton) (press) 19. (When) (George W.Bush) (during) 20. (great) (Usher) (fantastic) (on) 21. (Celine Dion) (established) (herself) 22. (Catherine Zeta-Jones) (share) (exactly) 23. (Hilary Duff) (been) (since) 24. (David Beckham) (on) (special) 25. (Paris Hilton) (off) (side) 26. (Will Smith) (received) (performance) 27. (Tom Cruise) (Cameron Diaz) (outstanding) (with) 
28. (Koizumi Jyunichiro) (needed) (energy) 29. (Keanu Reeves) (office) (success) 30. (Sandra Bullock) (for) (got) (before) (only) (got)

If you liked this page of English grammar explanations and samples and would like more - you can buy the 96 page grammar summary "Blueprint for English" eBook (for 5 dollars) and get the SentenceMaster practice word cards. Use this grammar eBook to become a better English writer.

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